★ Julia Tarissan - RAV3N ★
Title Animation, Logo and Official Movie Poster for Julia Tarissan's short movie "RAV3N" .
directed and written by @juliatarissan
The film is produced by @kokoroprod and @lefresnoy @b_tchy_ @roxannegaucherand
With @anna.rivera.johnson @denislavant @bonnie.banane as the star in the sky and @paulinelaufmoller
Image @micaalbanese
Assistant director @laumorrigna
Sound effect and music @jazzlambauxx
Set design @margauxremaury @aleksandrkontini
Assisted by @oundene @cemmacame @artycule @clotildesegard @sixtiiiiine @ultrachille
Constructors @anna_le_mouel Nathan Drot
SFX @xetrove
VFX supervisor / animation / compositing / city modeling @tristan.brundler
VFX supervisor / creature design / magical VFX @florigau_
Rigging @niinina_
Costume @const_lab assisted by @verafatale
Editing @arianekajdan
Color grading @ben_grinand
Mixing @cubeproduct
Voice over recording @surmely.s
Electricity and lights @ninarichard1 assisted by @bu.gattti
And Interns @alexia.fig Adele Bourdier Adelie Mattenet Teddy Lenoir
Ass.cam. @pacaudcamille @louisemoulhac
assisted by @roma._.rgd
Sound on set Antoine Staszewski
Casting @boyfall.out
Script advisor @revapkr
Scouting @f3lou
Castel outfit @victorclavelly @marierohanaa
Thanks @saisonszero
poster made by @s1m0nc3ll0 with the crazy picture of @louise.desnos and @clarasuvari
thanks to @dwazzybaby for the coaching on the writing
special thanks to @david_camarou
★ Julia Tarissan - RAV3N ★
Title Animation, Logo and Official Movie Poster for Julia Tarissan's short movie "RAV3N" .
directed and written by @juliatarissan
The film is produced by @kokoroprod and @lefresnoy @b_tchy_ @roxannegaucherand
With @anna.rivera.johnson @denislavant @bonnie.banane as the star in the sky and @paulinelaufmoller
Image @micaalbanese
Assistant director @laumorrigna
Sound effect and music @jazzlambauxx
Set design @margauxremaury @aleksandrkontini
Assisted by @oundene @cemmacame @artycule @clotildesegard @sixtiiiiine @ultrachille
Constructors @anna_le_mouel Nathan Drot
SFX @xetrove
VFX supervisor / animation / compositing / city modeling @tristan.brundler
VFX supervisor / creature design / magical VFX @florigau_
Rigging @niinina_
Costume @const_lab assisted by @verafatale
Editing @arianekajdan
Color grading @ben_grinand
Mixing @cubeproduct
Voice over recording @surmely.s
Electricity and lights @ninarichard1 assisted by @bu.gattti
And Interns @alexia.fig Adele Bourdier Adelie Mattenet Teddy Lenoir
Ass.cam. @pacaudcamille @louisemoulhac
assisted by @roma._.rgd
Sound on set Antoine Staszewski
Casting @boyfall.out
Script advisor @revapkr
Scouting @f3lou
Castel outfit @victorclavelly @marierohanaa
Thanks @saisonszero
poster made by @s1m0nc3ll0 with the crazy picture of @louise.desnos and @clarasuvari
thanks to @dwazzybaby for the coaching on the writing
special thanks to @david_camarou